Some Sitka libraries participate in reciprocal borrowing through Evergreen.
Interlibrary Connect
Some Sitka public libraries in BC and Manitoba do interlibrary loans through Evergreen which is called Interlibrary Connect. If your library participates we recommend reading the policies for your Interlibrary Connect zone.
If you are a BC public library not currently participating BC ILC and would like to, contact Co-op Support to learn about opting in.
The Co-op loads exports records for all BC Sitka libraries that participate in Illume, BC’s union catalogue. Records are exported from Evergreen and sent to Illume twice a month.
Libraries can choose to exclude records from being exported based on shelving location, circulation modifier, item status, and reference, holdable, or circulatable flags. Contact Co-op Support if you would like to adjust your library’s loading profile.
fILL, the Manitoba union catalogue, connects to Evergreen via Z39.50 to automatically load records for Manitoba libraries.
BC OneCard
Patron Opt In
Sitka BC public library patrons can present their library card at another Sitka BC public library to opt in to that library. Evergreen will prompt staff to confirm the patron consents to their information being shared between the libraries.
Returning Items
Items owned by other BC Sitka libraries that are returned to your library as part of the province’s BC OneCard program should be checked in via Evergreen before being sent home. Evergreen marks these items as In Transit so staff and patrons can see when items are moving between libraries.