Slide Collection

Create a New Collection

You may wish to keep several slideshows and switch between them. Perhaps a slideshow geared towards back to school, or one for the new year. To create an additional slideshow:

  1. From the Slideshow Manager, click the Add New button.
  2. Enter a name for your new slideshow.
  3. If you want this to be the default slideshow, check the box next to This is the active slideshow.
  4. Add slides and click Save Collection.

Your new slideshow now appears in the drop-down menu beneath the Add New button.

If you have more than one slideshow saved, you can choose which to make active on the home page.

  1. From the Slideshow Manager, under the Add New button, select the slideshow you wish to make active.
  2. Check the box next to This is the active slideshow.
  3. Click Save Collection.