Images & Gallery


(images, audio, documents, etc.) can be uploaded by clicking the Add Media button on your Edit screen.

  1. In the Visual Editor (editing a Page view), click the Add Media button and select an image from your Media Library or upload a new one.
  2. Once the image has been selected, you can adjust its settings on the bottom right side of the page.
    • If the image you’re inserting is smaller than full-size and you’d like it to link to the full-size version, under Attachment Display Settings, click the Link To drop-down menu and select Media File.
    • If you’d rather the image link to a specific URL, click the Link To drop-down menu and select Custom URL and enter the website address.
    • For the Size, select Full Size. Once the image is inserted, you can size it down to an appropriate size. If you select a small size and then try scaling it up, the image will become fuzzy. For graphical buttons (e.g. database lists) you can use the 150px x 112px size. For images in a highlight, use the 400px wide image and scale it down to about 250px once it is inserted in your page.
  3. Click Insert Into Page. Lining up images with content requires some experimentation. Avoid the use of tables!

Image Gallery

An image Gallery might be useful for documenting an event, like an open-house, centenary, or art gallery.

  1. Create/edit a page, and click the Add Media button.
  2. Click Create Gallery in the top left of the window.
  3. Click on all the images you wish to include (you can upload more images by clicking the Upload Files link near the top of the window).
  4. Once you’ve selected all of your images, click the Create a new gallery button at the bottom right-hand side of the page.
  5. Here, you can rearrange images and the number of columns to display. When finished, click Insert Gallery at the bottom right.
  6. Ta Dah! Now enter text either above or below the grouped box of images.
  7. To edit, just click on the group and then click on the edit icon.

Advanced Gallery editing:

  1. Click the Text tab (next to the Visual tab that you’re working with) at the top right of your Edit window. A shortcode appears in place of the gallery, for example:
    [gallery ids="2343,2340"]
  2. To make the images slightly larger and more usable, adjust the shortcode so that it appears as follows (note: the ids will be different for your instance):
    [gallery ids="2343,2340" size="medium"]
  3. Click Update at the top right of the Edit screen to save your changes.