Style guides

Your library (or city) may have a style guide about phrases, word preferences, land acknowledgements, and more. The style guide may also include notes about colour branding and fonts.

  • Fonts: If your styleguide specifies a paid font, and your program (Word, Canva, LibPress, etc) doesn’t have that font available, use a Google search to find alternatives: search for ‘ Bodoni alternatives ‘ for example. Also check out Google Fonts that are free. Ensure that whatever font you use, that is optimized for either print or web use, and that it is legible for accessibility purposes.
  • Logos: Be aware that logos are designed to be used as they are. Usually they can be resized, but not altered either in ratio, or cutting out parts of it, or colour changes. Check the vendor’s website (eg. Libby, Overdrive) for logos and variants.
  • Colours: Canva can be used to find your hex codes! That’s the 6 number code that looks like this: #ffffff (which is white). Drop your logo into a blank template, then go to the colour picker at top bar to see what has matched. Hover over for the code!
  • Links: the linked text should be descriptive (don’t use “click here” as the linked text); also for external links (outside your website), make sure to have these open in a new tab: click on the edit/pencil symbol when adding the link in Page Edit, then the gear symbol, and check the box that says Open in a new tab.
  • Big Hint: check your mobile view as well as the desktop version for display issues. You can do this in the Customizer (see the Customizer section)